Kindergarten - Inspiring Environment for Integrated Learning

The second round of workshops from series of workshop on importance of an inspiring environment for integrated learning in kindergarten, was held on August 29 and 30, 2020.

Trainings were held in Plandiste, for preschool teachers from PI "Srećno detinjstvo" from Plandište and PI "Bambi" from Opovo, PI "Cvetić" from Knić, while preschool teachers from PI "Lane" from Kučevo and PI "Poletarac" from Žagubica attended the workshop in Kučevo. More than 80 preschool teachers participated in two-day trainings aimed to strengthen capacity of preschool teachers to develop a quality inclusive program based on contemporary pedagogical concepts in line with the new Preschool  Curriculum Framework “Years of Ascent”.

What is a program?

What is integrated learning?

How do children learn?

How does space shape children's learning?

What is an inspirational learning space and how to build it?

We'll get the equipment - what about it?

Working in groups participants exchanged their experiences on these and other issues.

Recognizing importance of preschool education, as well as integrating two important results of the SUPER project - strengthening the professional capacity of employees in local self-governments to promote preschool education and developing professional competencies of preschool teachers and professional associates in preschool institutions for quality inclusive preschool was presented in Kucevo where participants were greeted and wished success in their work by President of the Municipality, Dr. Ivan Rajicic, Deputy of President, Nenad Mikic and President of the Municipal Assembly, Branko M. Kecman. 

In March 2020, the EU donated EUR 1 million for the purchase of IT equipment and furniture for 56 pre-school institutions in 55 towns in Serbia, thus contributing to higher quality of and increased inclusion in pre-school education, among them are preschool institutions included in the SUPER project.

The workshops were evaluated as very useful for future work of preschool teachers. It is planned that 1500 preschool teachers from 50 preschool institutions included in the SUPER project will participate at these trainings, in whose kindergartens there are about 10.000 children.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13